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19 Realistic Ways To Actually Work Travel Into Your Life

♫ This is how you do it ♫

Chances are, if you are an American living on this Earth, you probably don't use all of your vacation days.

But you gotta do it. You just got to — because taking time off is crucial for your overall wellbeing.

1. They follow Instagram accounts of cities they want to visit, and travel magazines and bloggers.

2. They set up a travel savings account and have part of their paycheck — even if it's really small — directly deposited into that account each month.

3. They choose a partner who values travel as much as they do.

4. They do a lot of little things to save money at home, so they have more money to spend on travel.

5. They try to go on one to two weekend trips per season.

6. And they always take advantage of holiday weekends.

7. If they go on work trips, they try to extend their trip on both ends.

8. At the beginning of each year, they go through their schedules and reserve weeks in advance — even if they don't know where they're going yet.

9. If there's an obvious trip in their face, they take it. They make it work.

10. They daydream. A lot.

11. They visit their friends as often as possible.

12. And they're always sure to ask their friends about their recent trips.

13. If they can, they stay local for the holidays, which frees up a lot of vacation days.

14. They keep their suitcase in plain sight.

15. They make the most of travel opportunities closer to home.

16. When their friends say, 'We should go skiing,' or, 'We should go camping,' they pick a weekend right then and there.

17. They fly out directly after work, and then return as close as possible to the time when they have to be in the office.

18. They stare at maps, and read about places they have no plan to actually travel to in the immediate future.

19. They think one trip ahead.

Now, your mission: Try to make the tips most relevant to you a habit of your own, and you'll be well on your way to traveling more this year.