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    What Would You Do If You Could Have Any Superpower In The World?

    Meet Pandora. She has the power to take the best thing about anyone she comes across right out of them. Will she use these powers for good or evil? Find out in the newly released 5-minute superhero movie "Pandora" created for the Easterseals Disability Film Challenge, a filmmaking competition that gives teams of filmmakers with disabilities just five days to produce a completed film.

    Imagine being able to time travel. Where would you go?

    Would you make a splash or use your power of camouflage to blend in with the crowd?

    What if you could make broken elevators work at the flick of a finger?

    Or stop crime in its tracks just by serving a fierce look?

    Would you use your powers for good..or for evil?

    But it seems like all the superpowers in the world may not be enough to get Congress to pass Universal Healthcare

    Watch "Pandora" now to see this villainess turn into a heroine

    View this video on YouTube

    This 5-minute film was created for the Easterseals Disability Film Challenge