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    8 Things You Need To Know About Dating Disabled People

    Love is love is love. It can give you the highest of highs, and sometimes it can be a little messy. Whether you’ve snuggled up to a disabled partner before or this article will pop your cherry in this regard, we’ve put together this handy guide to everything you need to know based on the hilarious newly released 5-minute rom-com movie "Cripfished" created for the 10th Anniversary Easterseals Disability Film Challenge, a filmmaking competition that gives teams of filmmakers with disabilities just five days to produce a completed film.

    1. Some of us will date anyone (as long as they’re in our league, that is)

    Maysoon Zayid as Yolanda, an olive-skinned woman with black hair wearing a blue blouse, points to a photo of younger her and Dave Matthews on a light blue wall filled with photos

    2. Others prefer to date fellow disabled people

    3. We’re pros at finding solutions to life’s problems

    Logan, Amy (Bree Klauser) and the server (Josey Miler) are at an outdoor restaurant table

    4. We can be super sweet

    5. Or rotten no good liars

    Logan (Melissa Jennifer Gonzalez) walks on an outdoor patio with a blind cane. They are wearing blue jeans, a maroon sweater, and a tan leather jacket. Logan is Latinx, female presenting.

    6. We’re most definitely not here for your pity

    7. We can also just casually exist with our 25 Grammys because we’re Stevie Wonder

    View this video on YouTube

    Clip of Logan, Amy, and the waitress at an outdoor restaurant table. / Via

    Clip from the movie Cripfished.

    8. But the most important rule of dating someone with a disability? Disabled people are just looking for love like anyone else

    Logan and Amy kiss on the lips