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17 Underrated Products For Hairy Women That Actually Work

*uses a lawn mower to shave my legs*

We asked the hairy ladies of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us which products they swear by. Here are the fab results.

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1. Completely Bare Facial Lotion and Growth Inhibitor

"I started using it for my peach fuzz and I usually had to tweeze my chin every other day — now I see a huge difference! Now I go several days without having to pluck hairs."

Get it here for $9.99.


2. The Body Shop Body Polisher

"I read a few years ago that pre-shave exfoliation really reduces razor bumps and ingrown hairs. So I discovered these bad boys — they’re nylon wash cloths that slough off dead skin and protect me before a shave."

Get it here for $8.


3. Tend Skin Solution for Ingrown Hairs And Razor Bumps

"I put it on after shaving to make ingrown hairs be less of a pain. It's an absolute necessity."

Get it here for $20.

—Kate Kersten Beamon, Facebook

4. Nair Brazilian Spa Clay Hair Remover Body Cream

"This stuff works really well for me and my sensitive skin, and I feels really soft all over after I use it. Bye, razors."

Get it here for $11.13.


5. Tweezerman Tweezers

"Can’t beat them for precision removal. I've been getting compliments on my eyebrows and no comments on my chin hairs for years now."

Get one here starting at $15.


6. Magic Shaving Powder

"The day I discovered this may have been the greatest day of my life. It’s cheap and works great on my coarse, Eastern European black hair. It doesn't smell great, but it doesn't give me razor burn or ingrown hairs."

Get it here for $4.27.

Kitty Davenport

7. Sally Hansen Microwavable Eyebrow, Face, and Lip Wax Kit

"It sets itself and comes off in one piece. I love this stuff because I can control how thick my brows end up, and it pays for itself in one use."

Get it here for $5.44.

—Sara Byron, Facebook

8. Flash&Go Express

"It zaps your hair off, but it's totally safe. I don't have to use razors anymore, and I still only need to use this baby every three weeks. I save so much time and money."

Get it here for $299.

—Cat Crandall, Facebook

9. Men’s Gillete Razors

"Regular ~lady shavers~ can’t tame the mighty beast that is my body hair, but men’s razors get a closer shave and smoother finish!"

Get one here starting at $4.39.

Anna1655 and noahsx3

10. Jolen Facial Bleach

"It makes hair finer, lighter, and easier to remove later on!"

Get it here for $4.93.


11. Noxzema Salicylic Acne Pads

"They're my favorite for treating and preventing ingrown hair, especially on the bikini area."

Get 'em here for $4.99.


12. Nair Moroccan Argan Oil Shower Power Max

"I use it on my bikini line. It works so well, you get less ingrown hairs compared to shaving, and it doesn't hurt like waxing! Also, it's cheap!"

Get it here starting at $8.98.

—Gina Conenello, Facebook

13. Braun Silk Epil 9 Wet & Dry Epilator

"It grabs onto hairs and pulls them out, so it hurts on certain areas, but it’s SO worth it. Plus, I don't have to pay to go get waxed all the time!"

Get it here for $139.


14. Noxzema Bikini Razors

"They make trimming hair really easy. They’re super gentle, small enough to get around the area, and have a little guard to prevent shaving too close."

Get them here for $19.


15. Twinkle Eyebrow Razors

"I use them to take care of pesky upper lip hair — with MUCH less danger of cutting myself than if I used a regular razor."

Get a pack of three for $5.16 here.


16. Olay Facial Hair Removal Duo

"For short-term hair removal (2-4 weeks, usually), I love Olay’s Facial Hair Removal Duo. It comes with a balm that prepares the skin, and a cream remover. The balm prevented the chemical burns that I frequently got from other products, and Olay’s cream doesn’t smell bad!"

Get it here starting at $23.99.


17. Dr. Carver's Shave Butter

"It's simply fantastic. Like, you don't even know you're shaving."

Get it here for $8.

—Jordan Cust, Facebook

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