21 Struggles You'll Only Understand If You're Broke And Trying To Be Healthy


    1. You're pretty much always resisting fast food because CHEAP but also NOT GREAT FOR YOU.

    2. You'll defend Planet Fitness to the death.

    3. But also yeah, make fun of it. Lovingly.

    4. Just HOW healthy you are depends on where you're at in the paycheck cycle.

    5. It's actually super easy to stick to your healthy eating plan on the weekends.

    6. Your Google search history knows all your woes.

    7. You essentially eat the same three meals because no one has time (OR MONEY) for long, fancy recipes.

    8. For better or worse, running is your main form of cardio because NATURE IS FREE.

    9. You've gotten pretty creative when free weights weren't in the budget.

    10. You wish you could shop at grocery stores the same way you shop online.

    11. You have some aspirational Pinterest boards of recipes you'll never make because the ingredients are expensive AF.

    12. And you salivate over workout clothes more than you'd care to admit.

    13. Only to then work out in your ratty old university shirt.

    14. You can make a boss stir-fry out of random (on sale) ingredients.

    15. You can pride yourself on your healthy water intake because, HEY, at least that's free.

    16. You pack your own lunch to save money AND be healthy, which is great until people NOTICE.

    17. Free food ALWAYS derails you because free > healthy.

    18. You get your ~indulgences~ where you can.

    19. Tbh, you pretty much are always daydreaming of the day you can afford you own personal chef and trainer to make this whole ~being healthy~ thing easier.