This NSFW Guided Meditation Will Actually Help You Hate The World Less

    Take a deep, beautiful breath of f*ck that.

    Meditation can help you deal with all the bullshit in your life, but it's definitely not for everyone.

    But if you're a meditation skeptic — or just anyone who wants a break from the shitty world — "F*ck That: A Guided Meditation" might be just what you need.

    View this video on YouTube

    The short video was created by a writer named Jason Headley, and it's the most weirdly relaxing but empowering thing you'll hear today.

    Here he is, announcing his creation on Twitter.

    I've created a guided meditation for the realities of today's world. NSFW.

    It will guide you through brilliant exercises like:


    So go ahead. Close your eyes and let the shitty world melt away. Doesn't that feel better?