20 Times Tumblr Actually Made You Feel Better About Yourself

    Your screw-ups aren't mistakes; they're "artistic choices."

    1. This friendly reminder that flaws aren't so bad:

    2. These words of wisdom for when you're feeling like a garbage human:

    3. This ultimate source of motivation:

    4. This reminder of your incredible potential:

    5. This vending machine that reminds you to push through dark times:

    6. The best way to be the rebel you've always dreamed of being:

    7. This post that proves you shouldn't have to ~play it cool~:

    8. This reminder that you are heard:

    9. This reminder that whoever you are, you should OWN IT:

    10. These indispensable life lessons from gentle art king, Bob Ross:

    11. The importance of embracing your fuck-ups:

    12. This aspirational life goal that you too can achieve:

    13. This necessary life motto:

    14. This beautiful reminder of what a wondrous world we live in:

    15. This reminder that if you try hard enough, you CAN create a legacy:

    16. This attainable approach to adulthood:

    17. This helpful tactic for dealing with negative thoughts:

    18. This fact that makes everything immediately better:

    19. This handy method of dealing with unwanted "suggestions":

    20. And finally, this truth bomb to get you through the hard days:

    Thanks for the support, Tumblr.