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23 Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re Slightly Obsessed With Candles

Gotta smell 'em all.

1. Half your life is spent wondering whether or not you left a candle burning.

2. And reaching the bottom is a cause for mourning.

3. You have so many goddamn candles you can’t burn them fast enough.

4. Or have the space to keep them all, for that matter.

5. Still, you always manage to convince yourself you need a new scent.

6. Even when you’re shopping for something completely unrelated, you always wind up with a new candle.

7. This is what you imagine heaven to look like, tbh.

8. You're not sure how socially acceptable it is to methodically smell every candle at a store, but you do it anyway.

9. Online shopping for candles is basically the closest you'll get to gambling.

10. You look forward to the holidays for one reason above all others: SEASONAL SCENTS.

11. At this point, you can't de-stress without one.

12. You know tea candles are useless and burn out too quickly but they’re SO CUTE so you buy them in bulk anyway.

13. Choosing which candle to burn each night is a very important decision.

It's a whole process.

14. But at least your abode always smells MAGNIFICENT.

15. You have a different candle for every possible mood.

16. And you ration out your favorites so you don't burn through them too quickly.

17. Everyone knows exactly what to get you for a present.

18. You have a STRONG preference between how different brands smell and how they burn.

19. You're a sucker for sales that favor buying in bulk.

20. You are certain of this: Electric candles are an abomination.

21. You still mourn discontinued scents.

22. You can’t remember a time when candles weren’t a part of your monthly budget.

23. You just have a lot of feelings, OK?