21 Ways To Be A Little More OK In 2018

    We’ll get through it...right?

    Having more ways to feel a little bit better is never a bad idea, but after this year especially, we need all the help we can get.

    I don’t know about you, but I feel like I’m dragging myself into 2018 only by the sheer force of will. To help you brace for yet another year probably a lot like this one, we rounded up some of the best mental health tips we reported this year, both from experts and BuzzFeed Community members, as well things BuzzFeed employees have found helpful. Obviously, nothing is better than professional care, but hey. Maybe a few of these will help.

    1. Make some boundaries for how you consume the news, PLEASE.

    2. Or curate your social media experience by following a bunch of accounts that are extremely your shit.

    3. Trial and error until you find the perfect self-care routine so you know exactly what to do when you need it.

    4. Let friendships end and don’t think of it as a failure.

    5. Come up with some ~safety outfits~ for bad days, so you can at least feel semi-good about yourself when everything feels like shit.

    6. Keep a happy folder of screenshots.

    7. Try being more open with your feelings instead of keeping them to yourself.

    8. Schedule your week, or even day, ahead of time.

    9. Develop one habit that makes you feel kind of luxe and indulgent (and that’s secretly good for you).

    10. Read more books or listen to more podcasts that make you feel like a better person.

    11. Reserve your bed for bed activities — like, you know, sleep, sex, and masturbation.

    12. Go out to the movies more, by yourself or with people.

    13. Learn how to take care of yourself if you're politically active.

    14. Fall back into an old fandom you used to love.

    15. Turn your room into a relaxing haven where you can escape from the world to recharge.

    16. Schedule mental health days in advance.

    17. Consider best-case scenarios the way you do worst-case scenarios.

    18. Pick up a ridiculous new hobby.

    19. Interrogate your first instinct to say no to things.

    20. Go on long walks or rides for no reason.

    21. Find a way to get to know yourself better.