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23 Things You'll Only Remember If You Existed Before The Internet

This is not a safe space for 14-year-olds.

1. Calling a girl and hoping her dad didn't answer.

2. Being tethered to the wall in order to make a phone call.

3. "Playing" in a magical place called "outside."

4. Scraping your knees and elbows while "playing outside."

5. Propelling this strange device with your legs.

6. Nothing being more exciting than a trampoline.

7. Except maybe a treehouse.

8. Or a pool.

9. Sending text messages like this.

10. Even sending actual letters.

11. Writing out directions to places.

12. Looking shit up in an encyclopedia.

13. Valuing the library as a resource.

14. Having to meet people at a previously agreed upon time and place.

15. Looking up movie times in the newspaper.

16. Requesting a song on the radio, waiting for it to come on.

17. Having to watch shows when they were on.

18. Playing mobile games on a mobile device.

19. Using a computer for non-internet things.

20. Like playing Oregon Trail...

21. And learning geography from Carmen Sandiego.

22. Then these showed up in the mail and ruined everything.

23. And this is where all our free time went, never to be seen again.