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    Australia And Austria Are Not The Same Place But Apparently Not Everyone Realises

    "Imagine looking for kangaroos and you start seeing signs in German."

    Welcome to episode #89547 of "TikTok Taught Me"! This week we're discovering a new development in continental confusion.

    According to travel creator, NomaTheExplorer, there is a rather interesting desk at a European airport.

    For travellers that have misread their flight booking sites and made their way to Austria in hopes of seeing some Australian kangaroos — this is your first port of call.


    A whole wrong continent???😭😭

    ♬ bunyi asal - haa - haa
    @nomatheexplorer / Via

    And while you might be feeling like a little silly billy boo standing in the middle of customs looking for an emu or a bogan — you're definitely not the first one to make this mistake.

    Now that the video from Noma has racked up more than four million views — others are sharing their thoughts about the Austria/Australia desk in the TikTok's comments.

    Here are some of my favourite reactions:

    1. Firstly, this one that tell us that Austria knows how to take the piss

    2. This comment that is making me question everything I know

    3. This one that I'd kinda like to apologize for

    4. This reaction that makes complete sense

    5. This comment that's making me hope and pray that someone else is paying for shipping

    6. This remark that's making me wonder if anyone else checks their flight details at least 204874327 times

    7. This little recap that feels giggle-worthy

    8. This comment that adds another layer of confusion

    9. This anecdote that feels a little costly

    10. This one that baffled me all the way to the pavement

    11. Last but not least, this bit of slang you might not be familiar with

    PSA to anyone making their way to Australia or Austria — READ YOUR ITINERARY.

    Have a safe flight! Text me when you land :)