We Want To Hear About Your UFO Or Alien Encounters

    *Insert X-Files theme song here*

    Today, Congress held a hearing on UFOs, and...well, it's starting off interestingly to say the least:

    Former US Intelligence Agent David Grusch says under oath that the US government is in possession of UFOs and non-human biologics. pic.twitter.com/923QpQK1o7

    — Pop Crave (@PopCrave) July 26, 2023
    Twitter: @PopCrave

    From celebs to Twitter users, I've been seeing lotssss of talk about aliens today. So, as always, here I am to ask you, dear BuzzFeed reader, a very important question. Have you ever had an encounter with aliens?

    A UFO in the sky

    Perhaps you were driving home when suddenly you and the cars around you stop, out of nowhere noticing a large, oblong craft floating in the distance.

    A UFO in the sky

    Or perhaps you were minding your own business on a late night walk and came across some kind of gray, non-human being watching you from the tree line.

    Alien creatures in the trees

    Whatever your alien encounter is, we wanna hear about it! In the comments below or via this 100% anonymous form, tell us about the time you encountered an alien or UFO. You submission just might be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.