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What's The Most Entitled Thing Someone's Ever Said To You On A Dating App?

Bestie, show me those receipts! I know you screenshotted them for the group chat. ๐Ÿ‘€

Something nobody quite prepares you for is how absolutely wild using dating apps can be. You could just be having a chill, casual conversation and BAM, all of a sudden someone says the weirdest, most entitled thing you've ever heard and you go from "aw, they're cute" to "instant red flag."

If that resonates with you at all, I wanna hear about it! What's the most entitled thing someone's ever said to you on a dating app? I want the screenshots, y'all!

Perhaps you were having a cute back-and-forth conversation, and the guy you'd been talking to for like two days already felt entitled to your time when *checks notes* you literally just got busy for a couple hours and didn't respond right away:

Or maybe the cute guy who seemed too good to be true very much was, and he made that abundantly clear when he revealed his sexist, entitled opinions on what women should and shouldn't do:

A man saying women are meant to serve men and that after World War 3, all women will know their place

Or maybe you fortunately learned realllllly early on that the person you were talking to didn't know how to handle boundaries and expected everything to go exactly their way:

Whatever your story is, I want the receipts! In the comments below, share the screenshots of the most entitled thing(s) someone's ever said to you on a dating app. You can also submit your stories via this anonymous form. Your response just might end up in a future BuzzFeed Community post!