26 People Who Didn't Realize They Failed Until It Was Already Too Late

    Nothing like your shampoo bottle having "freshing poo" written in bold.

    1. The person who made this sign and was reallllly bummed that none of the letters in the word "spOrt" look like a soccer ball:

    A sign with a soccer ball for the P in "SPORT"

    2. The chef who completely forgot to fill their éclairs before putting them out for sale:

    An empty eclair

    3. The person who designed this watch, which has glow-in-the-dark hour markers, but not glow-in-the-dark hands, making it pretty impossible to be ~actually~ useful in the dark:

    A watch in the dark

    4. The person who designed this blanket and seemingly forgot that a planet's rings go around the planet, not just in front of it:

    A space blanket

    5. The genius who put hand sanitizer — something you should definitely not drink — into a very drinkable bottle, complete with one of those flip-top lids (which we ALL know is the superior water bottle lid):

    Hand sanitizer in a water bottle

    6. This haggler who really thought he struck himself a deal, but actually ended up increasing the price:

    Screenshot of a text conversation

    7. This shampoo bottle that chose some, uh, questionable words to highlight on this bottle:

    "freshing poo" on a shampoo bottle

    8. This "professional" who accidentally mounted this customer's TV to their sewage pipe:

    A TV mount on a pipe

    9. The person who designed this bathroom and took the whole "porcelain throne" thing a bit too literally:

    Stairs leading up to a toilet

    10. The genius who chose to put stainless steel benches at the beach...in the sun all day...just waiting to burn your butt off:

    Stainless steel benches

    11. The very tired teacher who definitely didn't realize they were about to create a tiny, five-year-old army when they sent out a letter asking parents to send their kids to school with knives:

    "please send in a plate, fork and knife in a bag that has your child's name labeled on the outside"

    12. This unfortunate banner that definitely needed to be run by a couple more people before it went out for sale:

    "Give meth eggs"

    13. These neighbors who just wanted to upgrade the sidewalk outside their home and accidentally made a slippery death trap:

    A repaved sidewalk

    14. The person who lied about their Photoshop skills on their résumé and created this terrifying sight:

    A grass design on a truck

    15. The person who designed this tampon pack with multiple sizes in it and thought, "Nah, color coding is for dummies":


    16. This poor soul who payed 14 whole bucks at their hotel for *checks notes* two yassified frozen waffles and a handful of tater tots:

    Tater tots and waffles

    17. This postal service worker who made 44 copies of the same letter, put them all in envelopes, and mailed them all to one singular person. But wait, plot twist! The letters were all about how the person needed to pick up a package that...had actually been delivered days ago:

    A stack of letters

    18. The person who bought a sweater they really liked only to learn that it cannot be cleaned, like, ever:

    A tag saying do not wash

    19. The person that designed this soap dispenser that's pretty awful at being a soap dispenser (it's made out of a porous material that literally sweats soap):

    A soap dispenser leaking soap

    20. This shirt that makes zero sense no matter which way you flip it:

    A shirt that says "Girls Is Can the Therefore Change Is World Brave"

    21. The designer behind this picture of Bimbo Bear, who apparently has three hands now:

    Bimbo the bear holding a sandwich

    22. The person who decided to sell a weight that's over a pound and a half lighter than it was labeled and simply expected no one to notice:

    A 5-lb. weight weight 3.36 Ibs

    23. This coffee shop that reallllllly wants to highlight..."uality???":

    "Uality" on a wall

    24. The person who designed this very tasteful and gorgeous hotel curtain that does not at all look like the previous guest committed a gruesome murder in there:

    Paint stains on a curtain

    25. The person who paid an extra $2.37 for extra tomatoes on their tacos and got...this:

    Someone holding up a taco

    26. And finally, the person who installed this sink and said, "Good enough":

    A tiny, crooked sink

    h/t r/CrappyDesign and r/mildlyinfuriating