17 People Who Woke Up, Thought About Being Chill, And Said, "No Thanks <3"

    Imagine waking up and consciously choosing to block the entrance to a 10 apartment parking garage.

    1. The person who woke up on the wrong side of the bed and decided to take it out on this person's "pepperoni" pizza:

    one pepperoni

    2. The person who thought the perfect place to complain about how early their neighbor puts their trash cans out was *checks notes* in the sympathy card for their mother's passing:

    3. The person who apparently couldn't watch a movie without their dogs out, so the poor guests in front of them literally had to switch seats:

    person with their bare feet on the seats

    4. This person, who listed an ad for a free stationary bike but does not quite understand what "free" means:

    it&#x27;s not free, make an offer

    5. The employee who was packing this order and counted that little guy as a full chicken nugget:

    tiny nugget

    6. The employee who saw that this person didn't owe any fees for their car registration, so they decided to charge them a dollar just so they could tell them that in a physical letter:

    mail fee is $1

    7. The unhinged person who took a bite of this grocery store donut, didn't love it, and put it right back with the others like nothing ever happened:

    bite in the donut on the shelf

    8. The delivery person who did not take the big "do not bend" warning on this package to heart:

    broken vinyl

    9. The person who installed these drawer handles and thought "eh, nobody will notice:"

    cabinet handle on off-center

    10. This person, who definitely knew the customer wanted to buy the gray hoodie, but chose violence and sold them this instead:

    grey hoodie graphic with game over ironed on a black hoodie

    11. The person who parked in front of this parking garage and is blocking 10 whole apartments worth of people from getting their cars out:

    car in front of the garage gate

    12. The "masterminds" who decided that giving their employees useless, custom bills with their own faces on it was basically the same as giving them a raise, right?

    fake money with the boss&#x27;s faces

    13. This person, who trashed the apartment while their roommate was away for a week and made no effort to clean up:

    mess in the living room and dirty dishes everywhere in the kitchen

    14. This person, who basically made this security gate useless by writing the code right on the box:

    code on the gate box

    15. This person, who thought it was perfectly good, chill, and fine to cut someone else's pizza like this:

    uneven slices

    16. This person, who was definitely told to "just make half the pasta" and chose chaos:

    pasta cut in half in the package

    17. And finally, the person who decided she deserved a full refund on her wedding photos from years ago because she and her husand got divorced:

    message to get a refund after the divorce

    h/t r/mildlyinfuriating