19 Food Pictures That Are So Disturbing I Think I've Lost My Appetite Forever

    I've never seen so much chaotic energy in my life.

    1. This all-crust pizza that is the thing of nightmares:

    2. These eggplant sneakers that make me want to get up and walk away from the dinner table:

    3. These patties with gummy bears inside that I can't wrap my head around:

    4. These Spaghettios Eggs Benedicts that look alarmingly classy:

    5. This pasta that may look like a normal mushroom Alfredo but is actually cold pasta, mayonnaise, and raisins:

    6. This strawberry and salami sandwich that has me shaking my head:

    7. This hard-boiled egg omelet that has truly left me speechless:

    8. This "Italian sushi" creation that really pushed the limits of what counts as sushi:

    9. This cheesesteak cheesecake that was, uh, definitely creative:

    10. This chaotic creation that turned the whole "pineapple on pizza" debate on its head:

    11. This leftover Chinese food waffle that is either the best or worst idea I've ever heard:

    12. This "sushi sausage" that really didn't need to exist:

    13. This deceptive birthday cake that's actually meatloaf and mashed potatoes:

    14. This kiwi pizza that looked at pineapple pizza and said "watch this":

    15. This take on ~fish and chips~ that definitely stank up the office:

    16. This pickle, Spaghettios, and spray cheese combo that raised my blood pressure just by looking at it:

    17. This sushi wrapped in melted American cheese that's making me a little queasy:

    18. And finally, this egg cake that radiates pure chaotic energy:

    h/t: r/shittyfoodporn