16 Pool Toys That Aren't Getting The Respect They Deserve

    Human models get all the fame. But don't forget about the props that also make a living on their looks.

    1. This lobster is sick of being taunted by sushi platters on-set. Because he's vegan.

    2. This palm tree is not happy that its roots are showing.

    3. This giraffe feels like this part of the shoot wasn't fully explained to his booker beforehand.

    4. Mr. Crab only wanted to cuddle tonight.

    5. Whereas this alligator just wants to be loved for who he is and not what his scales are worth in the luxury luggage market.

    6. This dinosaur battled extinction all for a foot to be planted in its face. Is that fair, really?

    7. This dinosaur doesn't even like sand.

    8. And this T.Rex wishes he was dead rather than suffer this humiliation. Back in the day he booked background roles in Jurassic Park 3.

    9. This baby deer is sick of being the responsible one.

    10. This pool float is tired of being treated as sexual object.

    11. This tiger has forgotten his safe word.

    12. This penguin is deflated in every sense of the word.

    13. This inner tube feels lost and aimless without the lazy river it deserves to float in.

    14. And this float doesn't appreciate the grass stains.

    15. One giant swan does not appreciate the "plus size" label.

    16. And this skunk isn't even a pool toy so just leave him alone.