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Tell Us The Pettiest Thing Your Ex Did During Your Breakup Or Divorce

Saying goodbye can get pretty ugly.

Going through a breakup can be really hard. Whether it's six months or 16 years, the pain that can come with the end of a relationship is no joke.

Relationships end in all different ways and can be different kinds of emotional as a result. A lot of people walk away from ended relationships feeling sad or introspective.

And that's all fine and good, but we're here to talk about the other times — the times your ex got EXTREMELY petty.

With that, I have to ask — what's the pettiest thing you've experienced in a breakup?

Did someone hide tiny shrimp under the mat in your car? Did they glitter bomb everything you love?

I want to hear it all — the good, the bad, the truly heinous.

Share your stories with us in the comments below and the best ones may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post or video!