The 32 Best "South Park" Episodes, Ranked

    All your favorite episodes from "Mecha-Streisand" to "Tegridy Farms."

    South Park aired "The Pandemic Special" this past week to the largest audience the show has seen in seven years. Here are the top episodes of South Park, ranked for your viewing pleasure!

    Cartman, Stan, Kyle, and Kenny at bus stop

    32. "Grounded Vindaloop"

    Cartman uses Oculus Rift

    31. "Trapper Keeper"

    Trapper Keeper expels Cartman, Kyle, and Rosie

    30. "Cat Orgy"

    Cartman holds catnip with Shelly

    29. "Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub"

    Randy and Gerald talking

    28. "Jewbilee"

    Moses speaks to scouts

    27. "Quest for Ratings"

    Cartman and Kyle present special report

    26. "Black Friday"

    Wizard Cartman pleads with Kyle

    25. "A Song of Ass and Fire"

    Princess Kenny receives letter from Wizard Cartman

    24. "Titties and Dragons"

    Bill Gates prepares to fight

    23. "Something You Can Do With Your Finger"

    Wendy, Kyle, Cartman, Randy, and Stan perform

    22. "Stunning and Brave"

    PC Principal introduces changes to South Park

    21. "PC Principal Final Justice"

    Kyle protects Leslie

    20. "Tegridy Farms"

    Randy and Towelie demonstrate "tegridy"

    19. "You Have 0 Friends"

    Stan deletes his Facebook profile

    18. "You're Getting Old"

    Stan stares wistfully

    17. "Medicinal Fried Chicken"

    Randy enjoys legal weed

    16. "Go, God, Go"

    Cartman travels to the future

    15. "Go, God, Go XII"

    Allied Atheist Alliance prepares for battle

    14. "Chinpokomon"

    Cartman and Stan shop for Chinpokomon

    13. "Awesom-O"

    Awesom-O and Butters have a heart-to-heart

    12. "Raisins"

    Butters enjoys Raisins girl's company

    11. "All About Mormons"

    Joseph Smith communes with the divine

    10. "The Simpsons Already Did It"

    Cartman, Kyle, and Stan as Simpsons characters

    9. "Scott Tenorman Must Die"

    Cartman watches Scott Tenorman

    8. "Towelie"

    Towelie chooses to get high and save his friends

    7. "Timmy 2000"

    Timmy and the Lords of the Underworld perform

    6. "Fishsticks"

    Kanye West doesn't understand why people think he is a gay fish

    5. "Mecha-Streisand"

    Robert Smith battles Mecha-Streisand

    4. "Major Boobage"

    Kenny hallucinates

    3. "Gnomes"

    Underpants gnome smokes pipe

    2. "Christian Rock Hard"

    Faith+1 photo shoot

    1. "Trapped in the Closet"

    Tom Cruise is trapped in the closet