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    19 Parents Who Truly Deserve The "Parent Of The Year" Award

    These parents will surely make you smile (or maybe cry a little)!

    While parents always come through for their children, displays of affection can sometimes be hard for them. However, they sometimes show their love in ways that can melt your heart.

    1. Take for instance this son, who lived a continent away and who asked his mother to make an imitation of a dish he saw online as a joke. Since mothers will always be mothers, she attempted the art and sent this to him in a mere two hours!

    2. These parents reacting to their son's college acceptances is the most wholesome thing you will see today. / Via
    Love seeing parents be super proud of their kids!

    3. This father encouraging his daughter to dance with a group of influencers is winning hearts on the internet.

    4. We also have these parents who can't hold their emotions upon seeing their daughter go to her dream college.

    5. These parents surprised their daughter after her medical entrance examinations, and her reaction was priceless.

    6. This father's reaction to his daughter promoting her small business is the sweetest thing I've seen in a while.

    7. This mother had the most adorable reaction to her son's achievements in a video game!

    Normalize parents celebrating their kids gaming achievements 👏

    Valorant streamer @itsmerku asked her mom if they could celebrate when she hit plat, and the response was so wholesome

    — Jake Lucky (@JakeSucky) August 21, 2022 / Via Twitter: @JakeSucky
    What is it with mothers being absolute angels?

    8. This mother hugging her daughter, minutes after her breakup, will certainly make you tear up.

    It was 15 minutes after my breakup...

    — Arshia (@ArshiaMalhotra_) April 24, 2023 / Via Twitter: @ArshiaMalhotra_
    Parents mending a heart they did not break is my favourite genre on the internet.

    9. Here's this amazing parent reaching out to a YouTuber for his son.

    Most RL youtubers get cringey Instagram dms from fans, I get wholesome LinkedIn dms from parents. We are not the same.

    And yes I will be meeting the Brunch Brothers™️

    — R1 Sunless (@SunlessKhan) February 6, 2022 / Via Twitter: @SunlessKhan

    10. This father who made a custom controller for his daughter with a disability. / Via
    Dads are really just superheroes.

    11. This sweet father showing his acceptance in the most Asian parent way possible.

    My dad knows I’m in a gay relationship but we’ve never talked about it. Today as I’m getting ready to meet up with my boyfriend, my dad decided to cut up some fruits so my boyfriend and I can have something to eat at the beach 🥺 the most Asian immigrant parent thing I swear 😭

    — Ivan Alcantara (@ivancedric_a) November 27, 2021 / Via Twitter: @ivancedric_a
    Cutting up fruits is a love language.

    12. These parents going all out for their children.

    13. This Reddit user came out as trans to her parents, and her mother gave her the sweetest gift possible to show her acceptance.

    14. This parent who gave her child the best gift ever.

    15. And this mom made her son the best birthday cake ever!

    16. This mother, who encouraged her child to take a few steps and made her day.

    Reddit / Via

    17. This mom introduced herself to the world of Reddit just to comment on her daughter's post.

    18. This mother who is clearly very proud of her daughter getting a PhD!

    19. And finally, this gem of a dad.

    This post is a sign to go hug your parents right now!