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    Just What You Need For Fall: Leather Track Pants

    This is somehow a trend. Would you say it's chic or bleak?

    When you think of leather pants, what comes to mind? A rich European women in reflective shades with a fur bag and the kind of fatless thighs that hardly need any coaxing to squeeze into a pair of bottoms so seemingly restrictive? Well banish those thoughts, because apparently some of the clothing world's most high-maintenance bottoms now come in Lazy. Leather track pants are the new leather leggings, and I fully support this for a few reasons:

    1. ELASTIC WAISTBANDS! Is there a better feature on a pair of pants, in terms of personal comfort, than an elastic waistband? I think not.

    2. The fit is forviging. I'm not saying that you have to be pin-thin to pull off tight leather pants, but often finding the right fit in those is tough if you have the body of a normal person. And after you've finally gotten over that mental block that goes "me x leather pants: I DON'T KNOW I JUST DON'T KNOW OKAY FINE I'LL SPLURGE!" the last thing you want is to get to the store and realize nothing fits quite right. With leather track pants you really just need the right waist size and length.

    3. They're probably warm and wind-resistant. You know what's never as warm as you want them to be? Regular track pants. And jeans.

    4. You could probably wear them on the plane without looking like one of those high-maintenance people that dresses up to fly on planes. (Also see above re: elastic waistbands.)

    5. They're a version of track pants fashion snobs will have a much harder time hating on. Fashion snobs love to hate on sweatpants people. (That is, now that the sweatpants trend has come and gone.)

    I know all of the above examples are expensive, but I'm sure Zara and the other high-fashion knock-off places will offer a much more affordable version in no time.