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    The Miracle of Finals Week

    Every year around this time, Jews across the world gather to celebrate and tell the story of "the Miracle of Channukah". That story is one of bravery and overcoming of odds, as the jews fought back against and defeated their oppressive king. They re-lit the temple's eternal flame, but found only enough oil to support the flame for one day. The miracle of Channukah is that the oil lasted for 8 days instead of 1 - enough time for more oil to be made and further keep the flame lit. In a time of need, there was an answer, and in times of despair, there was hope. But what is also important to tell, is "The Miracle of Finals Week".

    1. For 4 months, tyrannical professors gave assignments, readings, projects, papers, sandwiched between exams.

    2. Students fought back, they studied hard.

    3. BUT VICTORIOUS, you made it through the last week of classes! Praise be unto the calendar!

    4. Going home to your dog (and family too, right?) is now only a week away. Figures you have a Saturday final...

    5. Day 2.5 of Finals week: things aren't looking good.

    6. Day 4 of Finals week: You and your friends have become like family.

    7. After 108 years, I mean 8 days (Saturday to Saturday), it's finally over.

    8. Coming back to your apartment, the quiet of post-finals is sad, but the promise of a new semester, some time off, and eternal sleep awaits you.

    9. So this finals week, be the oil from the 8 days of channukah. Shine brightly even when you don't think you can make it all the way, and rest assured that your flame will never be extinguished. Happy Channukah and good luck on your final stretch!