19 Reminders Why Max And Emmy From "Dragon Tales" Were The Coolest

    I wish, with all my heart, to fly with dragons, in a land apart.

    1. They got to chill in a sick playroom where they casually discovered an ancient dragon scale.

    2. After wishing with their hearts to fly with dragons in a land apart, THEY WERE FREAKIN' TRANSPORTED THERE.

    3. They knew dragons wanted to play with them when the scale glowed. Your Toys R Us walkie talkies had nothing on this shit.

    4. Please keep in mind that Emmy is 6 years old and Max is 4. YEAH, while you were sipping some juice by your building blocks these siblings were saving dragon lives.

    5. They got to chill every day with dragon friends that took them on cool adventures. This brother and sister were part of the coolest squad around.

    6. One time they helped Ord find his missing tooth and as a reward got to RETURN TO DRAGON LAND TO PLAY EVERY DAY. Seriously, so lucky.


    8. And in class, Quetzal taught them badass shit like how to fire-breathe with salsa and rock the hell out of a show and tell.

    9. Max and Emmy were the greatest moderators when Enrique popped out of nowhere and started drama, like when he called Cassie "Pinky" and she almost cried.

    10. They'd always let him join though, because they were just so welcoming. And cool.

    11. They got rides from Cassie whenever they wanted. Just a casual Saturday morning flying with dragons, NBD.

    12. THEY ALSO GOT TO RIDE A MAGIC CARPET. It was so cool of Max to share his ride with Ord.

    13. They did charity work like making sand castles for dragon turtles. Instead of coloring and having nap-time, they were being heroic AF.

    14. They knew the craziest songs like "Los Pollitos" and had dance moves that could make any pre-school turn up.

    15. They were cool enough to take on ~adult~ responsibilities like babysitting Cassie's younger siblings.

    16. They were so talented at such a young age and taught Zak and Wheezie how to ice skate.

    17. They even got to chill in a cloud factory and help make the freakin' weather. When you were four did you even know what weather was?

    18. Max and Emmy just had to use a rhyme to go back home until next time. And then BOOM, they'd be back in the playroom.

    19. Max and Emmy were even cooler because the show had the catchiest theme song ever written.

    And just so you can bask in their glory, here it is. You're welcome:

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    Thanks for setting the bar high, kiddos. You really know how to make someone feel crappy about their childhood.