Here Are 18 Times Dogs Failed To Dog And It's Honestly More Hilarious Than You Think

    Are... are they okay?

    1. This doggo who looks like it's about to haunt your nightmares:

    2. This doggo who turned into a squirrel:

    3. This doggo who looks ready to stand its ground:

    4. This doggo that low-key looks like a drumstick:

    5. This doggo who looks uncomfortable but... is it uncomfortable?

    6. This doggo who looks at you like you're a disappointment:

    7. This doggo which is definitely not broken:

    8. This doggo who boops her snoot on the floor:

    9. This doggo who noms on its paws:

    10. This doggo that uses another doggo as a seat:

    11. This doggo who is actually a human in dog form:

    12. This doggo who... idk???:

    13. This doggo who disciplines himself:

    14. This doggo who just couldn't be arsed:

    15. This doggo who actually looks like its part of a ballet recital:

    16. This doggo who failed to dog:

    17. This doggo who walks on walls:

    18. And finally, this doggo who looks like dog.exe has crashed:

    H/T : r/WhatsWrongWithYourDog