100 Of The Funniest "Parks And Recreation" Scenes Of All Time

    ♫ Get on your feet! ♫

    1. When Jerry told everyone he was mugged, but really he fell into the river after he dropped his burrito:

    2. When they couldn't get a longer red carpet and so they were all slipping and falling before Leslie's speech:

    3. When Ron pretended to pull out his tooth in the middle of meeting:

    4. When Chris got the flu:

    5. And when Leslie got the flu:

    6. When Donna's Benz got shot and she handled it the only way she knew how to:

    7. When Ron took over Pawnee Today because Joan was too hungover to function:

    8. When Jean-Ralphio revealed how he got rich:

    9. When Andy failed his eye exam:

    10. And then when Andy tried to skip out on paying his medical bills and ran into an ambulance:

    11. When Ben went stir crazy and couldn't stop talking about calzones:

    12. And when he let his creative juices flow:

    13. When Ron tried to eat a banana:

    14. When Ann and Leslie scared Jerry and then he had a fart attack:

    15. And then when Tom wouldn't let it go:

    16. When Ron kept taking and then throwing out the free vegan samples:

    17. When Andy and April threw a Halloween party:

    18. When Ben participated in his first Treat Yo' Self day:

    19. When Andy was training to be a cop:

    20. When April supported Andy in his dream of being a cop:

    21. And then when Andy finally took his lie detector test:

    22. When Ron was VERY clear with his specific order:

    23. When Leslie made Ann watch Harry Potter:

    24. When Andy solved a puzzle:

    25. When Andy and April hosted a debate night party:

    26. When Ron got a new desk:

    27. When April didn't think March 31 existed:

    28. When the guys got food poisoning after sampling wedding food:

    29. And then when Ben couldn't move so he tried to call Tom by using his nose:

    30. When Perd Hapley forgot his microphone:

    31. When Donna encapsulated herself in one sentence:

    32. When Andy ate something he wasn't supposed to:

    33. When Leslie took things a *tad* too far during model U.N.:

    34. When Ann tried to bond with April:

    35. When April told Ben how to address her:

    36. When Burt Macklin gave everyone codenames:

    37. When Andy tried to make ramen:

    38. When Leslie owed late fees and pushed over a book cart at the library:

    39. When Orin was just being Orin:

    40. When Ron got back with Tammy Two:

    41. When Leslie tried to win Ron back from Tammy One and Tamra:

    42. When Ron definitely got an official permit:

    43. Anytime Ben was near cops:

    44. When Andy revealed all of his secrets:

    45. When Andy tried to figure out what Leslie was sick with:

    46. When Andy refused to be one of the bad guys:

    47. When Andy knew the different between Hogwarts and Buckingham Palace:

    48. When Andy got new shoes:

    49. When Harris and Brett showed up for an interview for the animal control jobs they were just fired from:

    50. When April turned down Jean-Ralphio:

    51. When Ron turned down salad:

    52. When we found out Ron loves riddles:

    53. When Ben tried to pull a prank:

    54. When Ben met Gayle:

    55. When Chris handled Valentine's Day really well:

    56. When Ron revealed all the places he hides bacon:

    57. When Ron went to the doctors:

    58. When Joan hit on Tom:

    59. When Ben and Leslie were too hungover:

    60. When April entered the sommelier competition:

    61. When Tom wasn't allowed to use the Internet:

    62. When Chris came up with a new word for nipples:

    63. When Bobby Newport voted for Leslie:

    64. When Jerry said "murinal" instead of "mural":

    65. When April made something for Ron and he was really emotional about it:

    66. When this guy (or any citizen of Pawnee) said something at a town hall meeting:

    67. When we found out something very specific about Jerry:

    68. When Tom kept making up plant names to tell Leslie:

    69. When Andy didn't want to get sushi:

    70. When Leslie came up with her stripper name:

    71. When Ann got flustered while trying to flirt:

    72. When Leslie left messages for herself:

    73. When Donna talked about her dating life:

    74. When Ben finally found someone who appreciated his jokes:

    75. When Jean-Ralphio wasn't ready to be an uncle:

    76. When Leslie tried to keep Tammy Two away from Ron:

    77. When Andy and April woke up Ethel:

    78. When Andy cleared his plans:

    79. When Ben moved in with Andy and April:

    80. When Ron and Leslie were trapped together overnight:

    81. When Jennifer Barkley had disdain for Ben and Leslie's life, always:

    82. When Tom explained all of the nicknames he uses:

    83. When Jerry accidentally brought a male escort to be Ann's date:

    84. When Ron ordered a party platter for himself:

    85. When everyone told Ben he better treat Leslie right:

    86. When there was a pretty big mistake:

    87. When Andy apologized:

    88. When Leslie responded to a sexist person in the crowd:

    89. When Ron got grumpy because he was hungry:

    90. When Andy/Burt Macklin tried to solve the pie mystery:

    91. When Leslie was sleep deprived:

    92. When Ron shared his will with Ben:

    93. When Jean-Ralphio and Craig became best friends:

    94. When Leslie explained the rules of law:

    95. When Ron created drama in the office:

    96. When Leslie reacted to mac and cheese pizza:

    97. When Jean-Ralphio faked his own death:

    98. When Ron revealed his hatred for skim milk:

    99. When Leslie dissed Eagleton:

    100. And finally, and most importantly, when everyone got DRUNK off of Snake Juice: