Amateur Cook Vs. Professional Chef: Raid The Fridge Challenge

    A found foods cookoff.

    Most of us know how to throw a meal together when we have to. Even if that means making a sandwich or throwing a frozen pizza in the oven.

    Watch as an amateur cook and professional chef face off in this crazy cooking challenge!

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    This is Jade, and she's a self-proclaimed amateur cook. Her specialties include mac ‘n’ cheese and chocolate chip cookies (when it comes with that ready-made dough, though).

    And this is Alvin. He's a producer at Tasty who loves food and has been cooking for a while.

    They decided to go head-to-head to see if Jade could kick Alvin's ass in a cooking challenge.

    But there was a catch! They had to work with whatever their friend, Tara, already had in her kitchen. They also had to follow these rules:

    Alvin went straight for the smoked paprika as his special ingredient because he thought it could easily take some foods to the next level.

    And in Tara’s fridge, he found some eggs, cheese, broccoli, maple syrup, bacon and some leftovers.

    Meanwhile, given Jade's past with excellent burrito-rolling at Chipotle, it was kind of a no-brainer for her to bring some tortillas as her main ingredient.

    While raiding Tara's fridge, Jade found onions, cilantro, lemon juice, and salt, which are really the only ingredients Jade ever uses in all of her foods.

    It was time for the cook-off! Jade ran into problems pretty quickly when she cut the red onions because...they were onions.

    When Alvin poured some maple syrup on his sizzling bacon to make it nice and sticky, Jade knew she may be in a little trouble.

    Jade wanted to add jalapeños to her pico de gallo but didn't see any, so she thought mashed-up jalapeño Pringles would make a good substitution.

    Alvin was way confident. Once he took his omelette from the skillet he felt he had this one in the bag.

    Meanwhile, Jade finished getting all the fixings in her burrito ready, and was proud to demonstrate her rolling skills from those Chipotle days.

    After taking in all the smells in her apartment (including whatever set off the smoke alarm), Tara was ready for the big taste test.

    She tried Alvin's dish first and thought it was really good.

    Then she tried Jade's omelet-stuffed burrito and thought it was also really good.

    Although it was a difficult decision, and both "cooks" are Tara's friends...she picked Alvin's omelet on a bed of bacon.