21 Reasons Why Anastasia Is Without A Doubt The Best Animated Princess

    She's a queen who makes the Disney princesses look like peasants.

    The only thing that matters about the Disney/Fox merger is that Anastasia might become an official Disney princess. Honestly, about damn time.

    The Disney princesses are great and all, but Anastasia has soared above them for YEARS and it's finally time for her to take her place as No. 1.

    1. First of all, she was actually royalty from the beginning. WHICH MEANS SHE WAS LITERALLY BORN TO WEAR THE CROWN.

    2. She also has an AMAZING voice. "Journey to the Past," "Once Upon a December," and basically everything she sings are all bangers.

    3. She even had a bunch of people try to imitate her, which we know is the sincerest form of flattery.

    4. She had to deal with LITERALLY the most evil and powerful villain of them all, Rasputin, who would have Gaston shaking in his mud-covered boots.

    5. But, she's so amazing that even his "evil" henchman, Bartok, was on her side.

    6. She clearly has a monopoly on the tragic backstory. Did your fave princess lose everything she loved as a child, including her memory?!

    7. She grew up with nothing and had to learn to do things on her own without support. A fairy godmother didn't come to wave her problems away!

    8. She has the cutest, smartest, and most amazing sidekick ever: Pooka! Which we know is the #1 criteria for being a princess.

    9. All she wanted was to connect with her family. She wasn't even focused on getting a man, so she didn't take any of Dimitri's shit.

    10. She's also physically stronger than him and saves his life on more than one occasion. No damsel in distress here.

    11. And by the end, she even had him pining after her.

    12. Even though she's royalty, she gets her hands dirty, dresses however she wants, and slouches.

    13. She's also resourceful and will take matters into her own hands to get out of a sticky situation, which is #goals.

    14. She's confident, which means when she looks good, she wants you to know it.

    15. But sometimes she has her moments of self-doubt — she's human, after all.

    16. She has to learn new skills and grow as a person, which she makes look soooooo easy.

    17. But inside she struggles just like the rest of us and has nervous tics to prove it.

    18. She doesn't take betrayal lightly and sticks up for herself (AKA will slap the hell out of you) when she feels wronged.

    19. But when she loves, she loves hard. *swoon*

    20. She defeats Rasputin heroically and effortlessly, while also protecting Dimitri like the boss she is.

    21. And finally, she looks damn good in a crown.

    If you don't think she's the most relatable, fun, and all around fantastic princess we have, you're dismissed.