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14 Struggles That Are All Too Real For Students

Like, Harvard-referencing all the research you did on Wikipedia.

1. Being broke, obviously.

2. Smartasses cracking jokes about how broke you are.

3. Making the lacrosse team.

4. Listening to someone drone on about their bloody gap year.

5. When you're 1,000 words over the limit and can't find any more adjectives to take out.

6. When you're 1,000 words under the limit and can't find a way to pull another paragraph out of your arse.

7. When you've finally finished the essay, only to realise you repeated the word "significantly" 23 times.

8. Housemate broadband beef.

9. The dreaded fourth year.

10. When you're forced to start mixing your energy drinks because you've started developing a tolerance.

11. Lectures.

12. Lectures cancelled at the last minute.

13. Halls drama.

14. Trick-or-treaters JUST RUBBING IT IN.

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