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If You Wear A Hijab, Tell Us The Weirdest Thing Someone Said To You About It

Please stop asking if I'm bald.

Hey y'all. It's your resident hijabi here and the questions people ask me about my headscarf have definitely been...interesting.

But I want to hear from other hijabis: what is the strangest thing someone has asked or said to you regarding your hijab?

Maybe despite having what's clearly a ponytail covered by your headscarf, people have asked you if you have to shave your head or if you're bald.

Perhaps people have asked you about your hijab by calling it everything BUT a hijab, like a hat, a wig, or a "thing." Or maybe they don't say anything at all and wave their hands around their face in hopes that you say it first.

Or maybe people are genuinely curious but ask questions like, "Are you allowed to wear any colors besides black?" Or, a personal favorite, "Do you shower in that?"

We want to hear from you about the truly strange, wild, and weird things people have said to you about your hijab so we can start debunking the misconceptions around it.

Let us know in the comments section below! The best responses will be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!