15 Things That Will Make Anyone Starting A Diet Say, "LOL, Fuck This"

    Eh, I'll start tomorrow.

    1. Going to your office on Monday morning dedicated AF to starting your diet...only to have free food.

    Me: Summer diet starts now. Work: FREE PIZZA! Me:

    There's always next Monday.

    2. Conveniently driving by your favorite drive-thru restaurant when you know damn well you have a healthy meal at home.

    3. Giving yourself the chance to have one bad snack.

    4. Thinking about all the food that you love.

    5. Grabbing some dinner with your friends and hearing all the things they're getting.

    6. Seeing everyone enjoy a good AF meal that you shouldn't have.

    7. Realizing you still have a shit ton of tasty snacks in your pantry.

    8. Eating something super healthy and wanting to cry because it's so bland and you know you won't get full.

    9. Going on vacation and seeing all of the delicious unhealthy food.

    Dinner 🍴 hashtag no diet this vacation

    PSA: carbs don't count on vacation.

    10. Going to the movies when you know you have absolutely no self control.

    11. Dealing with people who ultimately don't support your eating habits.

    12. Wondering if the pain you're going to endure from a juice cleanse is worth it.

    13. Going to a party the same exact day you start a diet.

    14. Thinking about how sad it is to deprive yourself of some good food and eating whatever you want.

    15. Knowing that life is too short to not eat what you want.