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Tell Us When You Knew Your Relationship Was Over

Asking for a friend.

We all know relationships can be full of love, happiness, and everything in between.

They can start off super great and you can feel on top of the world.

But...sometimes it just doesn't work out.

Have you ever been asked the question: "when are you two going to get married?" and just *cringed* at the thought?

Or maybe you realized that you were compromising too much of yourself and your beliefs?

Or maybe you found yourself googling "when should I break up with my S.O.?" one too many times...

Or maybe they were constantly critizising everything about you...

Tell us the signs you saw that caused you to leave your relationship. Who knows? Maybe you could help someone see the light they’ve been needing to end theirs. Let us know in the comments below and you could be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!