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    Top 8 Canadian Stereotypes DEBUNKED

    From an Ontarians perspective.

    1. ABOOT!

    Ok listen, no Canadian that I have ever met including myself has ever said "aboot". It's about (A-BOW-T). Not every Canadian is from Newfoundland, and they might not even say aboot, I don't know. The point is if you come to Canada and tell us to say aboot we might not be so polite.

    2. Every Canadian Is Super Polite.

    Alright, MAYBE some of us over use or manners, but hey, it gave us a good rep. Personally I don't think I'm super polite, I think I'm just the right amount of polite, like I'll say excuse me if I fart at the dinner table, ya know...

    3. Igloos

    Is this actually a thing? Do people seriously believe Canadians live in Igloos? We have cold winters... that does not mean that we don't have summer. They're decently warm summers too, any igloo would melt. Our summers are a good 30 degrees (thats 80 degrees farinhiet). The point is WE HAVE HOUSES!

    4. We Live With Polar Bears

    No... that's all I have to say, no...

    5. Hockey Is The Only Sport We Like

    Hockey is not the only sport we like, we love Lacrosse too. No I'm jo king. Canada does not revolve around hockey, we like alot of sports, we invented a fair bit too. Sports like basketball and I think baseball (correct me if I'm wrong) are also Canadain sports.

    6. EH!

    This one is true, for me and my family atleast. I find myself saying "eh" quite often but not everybody does. I know alot of Canadians who I've never heard say the word "eh". It's just one of those things that can be true, all depending on who you're talking to.

    7. Maple Syrup

    We don't drink it, just putting that out there. It goes on pancakes, waffles, bacon, breakfast sausages, that kind of stuff. Oh, and it's not Aunt Jemima either. That stuff is just sugar, water, and artificial flavouring. Yes, artificial flavoUring. Our maple syrup is freshly tapped out of our very own maple trees. It's only $7 ($5.39 US) for not very much, so when we go broke, I admit it, we eat Aunt Jemima.

    8. Toques

    They're warm and good for the winter, there really isn't a huge difference between a toque and a regular winter hat. Seriously...