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    If You Have A Cute Dog, It Needs To Be In This Fundraising Book!

    Canines of Character is a photographic journey celebrating the unique personalities of our favourite four-legged friends.

    As loving pet owners already know, our dogs have their own unique personalities and quirks. The coffee table-style book, Canines of Character, celebrates what makes each dog special while raising much needed funds for the local rescue group Rescue Hub.

    A portion of book sales will be donated to Rescue Hub to help them continue their wonderful work saving pound dogs in need.

    Pet owners from all over the Sydney region are welcome to book their four-legged friends into the specialty photo sessions, with a limited amount of sessions available per month. Visit the Canines of Character webpage for more information.

    Every pet owner deserves to have beautiful images of his or her dog that captures the animal’s spirit and personality. Canines of Character will allow Sydney dog owners to do just that, while supporting a very important local resource at the same time.

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