Watch This Adorable Pug Puppy Reenact All Of This Year's Oscar Nominees

    Prepare yourself for the cuteness that is "Puphood."

    The Pet Collective made this adorable parody of all of this year's Best Picture nominees, starring a pug puppy! They even used pup-friendly puns to adapt the titles for our canine star.

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    The Grand Budapest Hotel becomes The Grand Breedapest Hotel.

    No puppies were harmed in the making of this delightful parody.

    Next up, we have American Sniffer...

    Starring a real scenery-chewing military pup.

    And of course there's critical darling, Wooflash.

    "There are no two words in the english language more harmful than 'good boy'."

    There's the epic historical drama, Selmutt.

    Yes that is a puppy MLK chewing on the president.

    One of this year's front-runners, Puphood...

    In which we watch a puppy grow up over 12 dog years.

    Another must-see historical biopic, The Imitailation Game...

    Yes, puppies like to chew things. Even super computers that save the world.

    The Theory of Everydoggy has generated a lot of Oscar Buzz.

    Stephen Dog-ing!!!

    And finally, we have Dogman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Dog Food).

    What an inspired performance!

    Which one gets your vote?