Watch What Happens When Couples Swap Clothes And Imitate Each Other

    "I understand the yoga pants now."

    In this hilarious video from Complex, couples switch outfits and do their best impressions of each other.

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    Complex / Via

    First, the couples were asked what they think of their partner's style:

    Time to switch it up!

    This couple was adorably amused by the swap.

    Not quite a perfect fit, but these two make it work!

    This couple had a total transformation!

    This boyfriend was feeling a little drafty in his lady's skirt.

    This fella is pretty comfortable right now.

    This girlfriend is feeling a little weighed down by her man's look.

    This gal thinks her boyfriend looks sort of familiar in her clothes.

    He sure got into character as his girlfriend pretty quickly.

    Here's his take on what it's like when his girlfriend is hangry.

    This is what happened when they were asked to imitate their partner's dance moves:

    She says he won't admit it, but there is something he does every time he passes a mirror:

    Finally, things got a little personal when the couples were asked to give their partner's best "O" face.


    OK, that's a LOT of breathing...