This Video Perfectly Captures What Goes On Inside Your Head After A Breakup

    "Alright boys, she's single... let's get to work."

    We've all been through a bad breakup or two, and the sad, lonely aftermath. The always clever and relatable Anna Akana made this hilarious video to break down what happens inside your head when it happens.

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    Anna Akana / Via

    Everybody's had at least one breakup that just didn't make any sense.

    There is a lot going through your mind right after it ends.

    First priority: Make sure your snack game is on point.

    You have to make the right choices when it's time for Netflix.

    You might be conflicted about taking a risk...

    But you need SOMETHING to get you out of that funk.

    And there it is.

    Your brain will let you know when the time is right to try something new.

    And no matter what, you WILL get through it!