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What Is The Worst Thing You Witnessed While Working Retail On Black Friday

'Twas the night after Thanksgiving and all through the store...

Let's be honest: Black Friday is the biggest retail shitshow of the year.

As crazy as it can be for shoppers...

...It is a million times worse for the unfortunate souls who have to work retail on that dark day in November.

Maybe you just barely survived the opening stampede, but you saw a customer literally break a limb in the mayhem.

Perhaps you witnessed a monster taking a toy right out of the hands of an innocent child.

Maybe you saw some weird shit go down in the fitting rooms.

Maybe you had a complete physical and mental breakdown as a result of all the madness.

Whatever it is that traumatized you on Black Friday, we want to hear about it!

Tell us your Black Friday retail horror stories in the comments below for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!