Does Clown Makeup Contouring Really Work?

    Clown makeup contouring is a new, very real trend, but does it actually work?

    Inspired by YouTuber belladelune and her clown makeup contouring video, the ladies at Bustle decided to give it a try.

    View this video on YouTube / Via

    In the video that has amassed over a million views to date, belladelune demonstrates having a little fun with your makeup and using a clown face to highlight and contour yourself to perfection!

    The gals at Bustle were definitely down to clown!

    Although a little skeptical of the technique, they were willing to give it a try.

    That is a LOT of makeup they are working with.

    LOL. At least they were having fun...

    This woman definitely saw a difference in the nose contouring.

    And it's all starting to make sense for this gal.

    Once it's all blended, you could never have guessed what it looked like before!

    And, finally, the results seem way more normal than expected.

    This beauty says she's going to implement some of what she learned into her normal beauty regiment, but maybe not the complete clown look every day.

    But let's remember what's important: 💩