18 Times Coach Taylor From FNL Was The Father Figure We All Need

    "They had a blanket."

    1. When he gave his teen daughter some real talk about boys.

    2. When he told Julie she didn't need to change for anyone.

    3. When he had the most ~dad~ way of saying "I love you."

    4. When he was ready and willing to bail Julie out when she got into some trouble.

    5. When he tried to look on the bright side of his daughter getting her first real boyfriend.

    6. And when he gave her boyfriend Matt a little shit, just for fun.

    7. When he was one step ahead of teenage shenanigans.

    8. When he gave some commonsense fashion advice.

    9. When he reacted to this unexpected news in the best way possible.

    10. When he doted on baby Gracie.

    11. When he enthusiastically let her feed him, and your ovaries exploded.

    12. When he shared his favorite pastime with Julie.

    13. When he comforted Julie after Matt lost his father.

    14. When he was the only stable father figure in Matt's life.

    15. When he stepped up when Vince desperately needed guidance.

    16. And when he had wise fatherly advice for everyone.

    17. When he shared this incredible moment with Vince.

    SAME, Vince. Same.

    18. When he gave us those six magic words to live by.

    Stay perfect, Coach Taylor.