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    17 Ways To Rock A Suit Better Than The Boys

    The menswear train is in the station.

    Badass suits have been spotted on the red carpet.

    1. Pick a suit based on how it fits your shoulders.

    2. Invert the classic back suit/white shirt combo.

    3. The width of the tie should match the width of the lapel.

    4. A gap between your jacket’s lapels and your shirt’s collar can signify an poorly-fitting jacket.

    5. Pair slim cropped pants with a boxier blazer.

    6. Give your shirt a half-tuck.

    7. Layer on top of your layers.

    8. Go for wide-leg pants.

    9. Be bright for the weekend.

    10. Buy men's blazers instead of oversized women's jackets.

    11. Wear a suit with sneakers.

    12. Do a double-button suit jacket to a formal event.

    13. Try a peplum blazer for a more hourglass look.

    14. Just wear a tee.

    15. Try a vest with a neutral suit.

    16. Push up your sleeves—don't roll them.

    17. Angle suspenders to follow the curves of your body.

    Get ready to turn heads.

    You run this.