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    This Woman's Insanely Magical Instagram Will Make You Smile Every Damn Day

    Get ready for your new girl crush.

    Are you a sparkly, magical, ray of light, fashion-killer, superstar unicorn?

    Meet 32-year-old crafter and designer Amina Mucciolo.

    Mucciolo owns the whimsical L.A.-based shop, Studio Mucci.

    And she's the closest thing you'll get to an IRL unicorn princess.

    To start, her style is TO DIE FOR.

    And her hair is positively ~magical~.


    Did I mention that she's a baller boss lady?

    And her evolution of self-love is inspiring AF.

    "I had struggled with my self-esteem for so long that I was scared to be photographed for the shop."

    She's basically the fairy godmother of your dreams.

    "I really just want to inspire people to accept themselves as they are and celebrate life."

    Girl crush for dayyyyyysssss.