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    17 Situations All Super Approachable People Understand

    Strangers LOVE you.

    1. Everyone says "hi" to you.

    2. Strangers always smile your way.

    3. Public transportation always turns into a therapy session with a random.

    4. You've attempted a resting bitchface, but it just makes you look constipated.

    5. People ask you for directions. All. The. Time.

    6. You're always accused of flirting even though you're just trying to be nice.

    7. People are shocked when you get serious.

    8. You get more hugs, whether you like it or not.

    9. You've definitely heard, "I can't imagine you getting angry."

    Eye. Twitch.

    10. You're the first of your friends to get hit on at the bar.

    11. Your friends always run to you to vent their feelings.

    12. You get a lot of unwanted advice.

    13. No one can tell when you're actually upset.

    14. You get called "cute" more than you'd like.

    15. People think you're younger than you actually are.

    16. People are shocked when you curse.

    17. Your friends consider you the moral compass of the group.

    What can we say? You're just hard not to love.