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These Disney Princess Bikinis Will Make Your Dreams Come True

Part of your worldddddddd.

Do you LURVVEEEEE everything Disney?

Then get ready for Enchanted Bikinis, a swimwear line inspired by your fave magical princesses.

The line consists of six ~royal~ bikinis that come in sizes S through XL.

You can ~swim~ with all the colors of the wind as Pocahontas.

Be part of their world as Ariel.

Let down your hair in a Rapunzel two-piece.

Sing "Tale As Old As Time" rocking this Belle look.

Enter a whole new world as Jasmine.

And be the *fairest* of them all as Snow White.

Aurora and Cinderella looks are also currently in the works.

Tops range from $35 to $45 and bottoms range from $25 to $35.

Take. My. Money.

Watch this video to learn more about these ~magical~ suits.

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