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    This Dad Makes Disney Costumes For His Kids And The Results Are Mind-Blowing

    Take my money.

    Meet Nephi Garcia, a 32-year-old fashion designer and father of three who lives in Orange, California.

    Last year, after the family planned a trip to Disney World, Nephi's 6-year-old daughter Lili asked him to make a costume she could wear to the park.

    And we can see why: Garcia's costumes are OUT. OF. THIS. WORLD.

    Let's see that AGAIN.

    "I try to make costumes that go outside of the box," he said.


    It takes Garcia roughly four to six hours to make one of his children's costumes.

    And Garcia makes *adult* costumes, too.

    He prides himself on using high-end materials.

    For Garcia, his requests start at home.

    But his dream is to share them with the world.

    To see more of his brilliant designs, check out @designerdaddy_.