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    23 Lessons Kids Are Learning Through Activism

    Parents worldwide are teaching their children valuable lessons through protest. Here's the take-away.

    1. Find your own voice and use it.

    Jenny Sowry / Via

    2. Say NO to bullies.

    Monster Mas / Via

    3. Using your voice to stand up for others is ALWAYS the right choice.

    Dimitri Mellos / Via

    4. Nasty women start training early.

    Varksi Yogini-Colleen Baird / Via Facebook: permalink.php

    5. Diversity is what makes this country special. Inclusiveness counts.

    6. Even naughty grown-ups should be subject to timeouts.

    Even #kids know this is messed up. #portland #womensmarch

    Tamsin Lee / Via Twitter: @AcuTams

    7. Girl power is world power. When girls win, we all win.

    Kira Bucca / Via

    8. Boys march too. Or catch a ride on Mum's shoulders. Close enough.

    Nicola Bailey Photography / Via Facebook: NicolaBaileyPhotography

    9. Growing up to be like Mom isn't a bad thing.

    Ari Margolis / Via

    10. Love is the most powerful tool you possess. Share it with the world.

    11. There is always power in numbers. Unite.

    Radio Bilingue / Via Facebook: radiobilingue

    12. Standing for love knows no gender.

    Zack Peter / Via Facebook: justplainzack

    13. Our disabilities don't define us. What makes us different, makes us beautiful. Embrace diversity.

    The most powerful sign of the #WomensMarch.

    Julia loffe / Via Twitter: @juliaioffe

    14. Girl power is a super power. That EVERY girl possesses.

    Renee Bracey Sherman / Via Facebook: reneebraceysherman

    15. The really good dads join their daughters in the fight for women's rights!

    Kat Clark Photography / Via Facebook: bykatclark

    16. Boys can be feminists too!

    Scott Nevins / Via Facebook: OfficialScottNevins

    17. Love transcends generations. And also, Grandma is a total badass.

    Roseny Carrero / Via Facebook: 1roseny

    18. Take naps. Lots of naps. But don't forget to stay woke. Super woke.

    Shut it down. Today's best sign (via @womensmarch).

    Johanna Fuentes / Via Twitter: @jfuentes

    19. Boys will NOT just be boys. They'll be GOOD humans!

    Mark Morford / Via Facebook: markmorfordyes

    20. Say nope to the grope.

    JenAshleyWright / Via Twitter: @JenAshleyWright

    21. You have a say in your future!

    22. Don't let history repeat itself.

    Facebook: boingboing

    23. And the most simple lesson of all? Don't be naughty. Just be nice.

    Pia Chatterjee / Via