Duke The Disabled Dwarf Bull Who Uses A Wheelchair To Walk Needs A New Home

    Duke, who uses a wheelchair to walk, lives at a animal sanctuary in England but his owners are being forced to relocate and are fundraising to find a new home.

    This is Duke. He is a dwarf bull and he lives at an animal sanctuary in North Yorkshire in the U.K.

    Duke is disabled following an injury and is unable to walk unassisted.

    Eventually, Duke was taken in by Sharon Lawlor at the CALF animal sanctuary in northern England.

    She even had a wheelchair constructed so Duke could walk unaided.

    He also has a specially-made shelter with a built-in hoist to help him stand.

    Duke has bonded with many of the animals at the sanctuary especially the sheep.

    But now Duke could be made homeless again.

    Lawlor and her family have to find a new home for Duke, as well as five more cows, 30 sheep, 12 chickens, five pigs, four goats and three turkeys.

    The family are now attempting to fundraise enough money to open a permanent animal sanctuary for Duke and his farmyard friends.

    "We're in a very serious position right now, with very little time. Failure to find a new home would bring unthinkable consequences for the animals in our care, especially Duke with his special needs."