57 Things You Never Knew About Kristin From BuzzFeed Ladylike

    "I already regret saying that."

    There's no better way to really get to know someone than by having them answer a bunch of random questions, amirite? Take Kristin here...

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    1. She's afraid of the dark.

    2. She's also incredibly afraid of the Babadook.

    3. Kristin is afraid of the movie The Ring.

    4. She doesn't understand why people are afraid of tiny holes.

    5. Kristin loves "granny panties" above all other types of panties.

    6. She only sleeps on her stomach and doesn't understand how or why anyone would sleep in any other position.

    7. She doesn't like tacos. (gulp)

    8. But she loves burritos.

    9. Kristin loves hummus.

    10. The majority of the things she eats are chicken and rice in various iterations.

    11. Her first word was "banana."

    12. She was born with a full head of hair.

    13. It's basically impossible for her to get up before 8:30 a.m.

    14. Kristin just finished playing Super Mario Odyssey and she thought it was awesome.

    15. She talks a lot about how she doesn't like pants, but she actually hates shorts even more.

    16. If she cuts her hair really short, it gets super "ringlet-y" and she looks like a clown.

    17. Her favorite game as a kid was to hide in the corner and read. LOL!

    18. She didn't learn how to snap until the summer after college.

    19. Kristin once got huge fake acrylic nails in an effort to impress a boy in improv class.

    20. She wears a 7 shoe size.

    21. She also has very wide feet.

    22. When she was 15, she broke her right foot after falling off a bus at a space tournament.

    23. When she was 9, she won a poetry contest that a bookstore was hosting.

    24. When she a teen, she was on the swim team for a few years.

    25. Kristin only has one ovary.

    26. The door handle on her driver's side car has been broken for about three years.

    27. When she was a kid, her first pets were rabbits.

    28. When she was 7, she asked her mom for a party dress with "big puffy pillows in the front."

    29. When she was a kid, her parents took her to San Antonio but didn't realize all the theme parks would be closed.

    30. She went to three different elementary schools because her family moved a lot.

    31. When she was 5, she asked her mom to come close to she could tell her a secret. Kristin then whispered this...

    32. If a dessert doesn't have chocolate in it, Kristin considers it to be somewhat pointless.

    33. She loves Tabasco.

    34. But she loooooves Sriracha.

    35. When she was in Kindergarten, Kristin was so afraid of getting in trouble that her mom suggested to her teacher she should randomly get in trouble, just so she realized it wasn't such a big deal.

    36. Also at age 5, she drooled on her mat during nap time and was scared she would get in trouble. Awww!

    37. Her ears were once double-pierced, but she never wore earrings so the holes closed back up.

    38. Kristin is incredibly allergic to Epoxy.

    39. She doesn't like rosé.

    40. Kristin has really bad astigmatism.

    41. She has worn glasses since she was 8 years old.

    42. She has a graduate degree from Northwestern University.

    43. She earned a master's degree in fine arts in screenwriting.

    44. She never got any attention in high school.

    45. She tried to forge her parent's signature on a test she failed when she was 7 by trying to glue their actual signature onto the test.

    46. Kristin is deathly afraid of spiders.

    47. She loves honey mustard.

    48. She's really good at making up words to songs off the top of her head.

    49. Kristin doesn't have any tattoos, and she doesn't want any tattoos.

    50. She has never stolen anything.

    51. Kristin prefers heels to flats.

    52. She plays too much "Candy Crush."

    53. She hates driving.

    54. Kristin's favorite city in the world is London.

    55. She thought cats were boring until about three years ago.

    56. She had about five pieces of makeup before she started appearing on "Ladylike."

    57. She still wears her Crocs.