It's So Hot In Australia People Are Literally Frying Eggs On Car Bonnets

    It's really fucking hot.

    Australia is currently going through an extreme heatwave.

    The heat is breaking record temperatures all across the country.

    This weekend, all 15 maximum temperatures on the planet were in Australia. In short, it was really fucking hot.

    All 15 maximum temperatures on the planet today are in Australia.

    Temperatures topped out at 47.5 degrees celsius in New South Wales.

    47.5 degrees celsius is 117.5 degrees fahrenheit.

    117.5 degrees! Guys, that's too many degrees!

    Australia literally feels like an oven.


    ...and I raise you this. From Dad out at the family farm past Wagga. #heatwave #53C

    It was so hot, cops in Queensland were ~literally~ frying eggs on the bonnet of their police van.

    It's so hot in #Birdsville that our officer could fry an egg on the bonnet of his police vehicle parked on Big Red!…

    Animals were patted down with ice to keep them cool.

    Not cool for cats! As temperatures soar in the Australia #heatwave, kittens at this animal shelter are patted down…

    Keeping koalas cool one sip at a time.

    My wife @alisonmcmeekin found this thirsty Koala today in sweltering Adelaide #heatwave #AdelaideWeather…

    This would be cute it wasn't so goddamn hot!

    Don't forget about your furry friends during this #heatwave! Here's what to do if you see a dog in a hot car…

    Baby turtles were dying from the boiling sand.

    Piles of dead #turtle hatchlings line #Qld's famous #MonRepos #beach amid #heatwave pushing sand temp to record 75C…

    And people weren't fairing any better.

    Stepping outside this weekend. #FarkItsHot #heatwave

    Stay safe out there, you guys.

    It might be 47 degrees in New South Wales but it's snowing in Tasmania.

    And while much of the country swelters, the Mt Mawson webcam shows a flurry of snow is falling but not settling…

    Australia, you're fucked.

    When people ask me how I'm handling this #heatwave