Malcolm Turnbull Won't Stop Talking About "Netflix And Chill" And It's Getting Really Uncomfortable

    When boomers and memes collide.

    Let me take you back to a more innocent time, AKA Wednesday.

    Australian prime minister, grandfather and classic baby boomer Malcolm Turnbull was asked on Brisbane radio about "Netflix and chill".

    Host: Do you ever Netflix and chill with Lucy?
    PM: Yes, yes we do. Yep.

    Yup. The 62-year-old prime minister of Australia said that he and wife Lucy "Netflix and chill"...

    To House of Cards.

    Turnbull obviously has no idea what "Netflix and chill" actually means.

    (For any boomers reading this - it means sex.)

    Imagine the awkward af conversation where the prime minister's staff had to explain to him what "Netflix and chill" actually meant...

    Cut to Friday - just enough time for people to have forgotten the whole Turnbull meme fiasco - and the prime minister does a radio interview with Banksy & Pinky in Central Queensland... and brings it up again.

    Host: Have you tried CrossFit yet?
    PM: CrossFit? No I'm not sure?
    Host: Put that in your diary... you might like it Malcolm, just to mix things up.
    PM: Oh well... I'm not... Is this like a Netflix and chill thing?
    Host: No it's not that, that's another thing, if you haven't tried that you should.

    *crawls under a rock to hide*

    FYI Malcolm, CrossFit is nothing like Netflix and chill.

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    But I guess it does involve a bit of cardio.

    I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.