24 Photos Of Women Who Are So Done Listening To Malcolm Turnbull

    There's never been a more exciting time...

    1. Deputy Labor leader Tanya Plibersek has no time for "Malsplaining".

    2. Unless you're passing out free chopper rides, former speaker Bronwyn Bishop isn't interested.

    3. Foreign Minister and deputy Liberal leader Julie Bishop has perfected waiting for her turn to speak.

    4. Will he be done soon?

    5. Employment Minister Michaelia Cash knows the best time to power nap is during a Turnbull press conference.

    6. Awake and definitely agreeing with... whatever he's talking about.

    7. Leigh Sales often invites the Prime Minister onto ABC 7:30.

    8. No. Really? Do go on...

    9. ** Sigh. Rolls eyes.** UN youth representative Samah Hadid has no time for Malcolm Turnbull's opinion on muslim schools.

    10. Sometimes Big Mal shares a joke and women smile and nod along.

    11. Nationals deputy leader Fiona Nash has definitely heard this one before.

    12. Assistant Minister for Science Karen Andrews knows its best to laugh along when your boss tries to make a funny.

    13. Marise Payne is Australia's first female Defence Minister.

    14. One day, it will be Marise's turn to speak.

    15. "Psst Sarah, maybe if I shut my eyes he'll just go away?"

    16. As the only female head of government, Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk was literally out of focus at the COAG sausagefest.

    17. "Did he say agile again? Malcolm, stop trying to make agile happen. It's not going to happen."

    18. 2015 Australian Of The Year Rosie Batty is just resting her eyes.

    19. Just pretend you’re listening and look at his eyebrows.

    20. This press conference is really great, but Assistant Treasurer Kelly O'Dwyer just needs to take a break from looking at it for a second to look at... anything else.

    21. There's been a listening ~boom~ in Question Time.

    22. "But enough about me, how do you think I'm doing Sussan?"

    23. Tbh probably better to be 94a-ed than listen to this.

    24. This is a woman who is done.